
日期: 2024-09-03



















汤一村,男,19928月生,主要从事多孔介质传热传质、氢燃料电池水热管理、飞行器能源与热管理、微通道强化换热等方向研究,主持/参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、北京市自然科学基金、JW科技委、航空工业集团、沈阳所扬州院等多个科研项目,在International Journal of Heat and Mass TransferApplied Thermal EngineeringInternational Journal of Refrigeration、工程热物理学报等多个国内外权威期刊发表SCI论文10余篇,EI论文3篇,国际会议论文2篇,申请国家发明专利6项,授权实用新型专利4项,软著4项。担任International Journal of Heat and Mass TransferDrying Technology等国际期刊审稿人。


2013.9-2019.1 清华大学,动力工程及工程热物理,博士

2009.9-2013.7 华北电力大学(北京),热能与动力工程,学士

2006.9-2009.6 江西省任弼时中学(永新中学),高中


2019.7-2021.3 沈阳飞机设计研究所扬州协同创新研究院有限公司

2021.10-2022.6 杭州市余杭区发展和改革局

2022.6-至今 南昌大学


[1] 氢燃料电池气体扩散层孔隙内湿分传递与干燥机理研究,南昌大学青年人才培育创新项目,主持

[2] 微通道散热器强化换热结构设计与验证,沈阳飞机设计研究所扬州协同创新研究院有限公司博士基金项目,主持

[3] 基于自适应随机算法的飞行器综合热-能量系统优化研究,航空工业青年基金项目,主持

[4] 具有吸湿性固体骨架的含水多孔介质热湿迁移特性研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与

[5] XX能源与热管理系统拓扑架构与运行管理技术,GF科技基础加强重大基础研究项目,参与

[6] XX能源与热管理一体化技术,GF科技基础加强重大基础研究项目,参与

[7] XX高马赫数超远程飞行器XX需求与总体概念研究,GF科技创新特区项目,参与

[8] 自适应机载热交换网络构建方法研究,企事业单位委托项目,参与

[9] 飞行器能量系统国内外现状研究,企事业单位委托项目,参与


[1] Yicun Tang, Yuan Zhang, Jingchun Min*. Modeling and simulations of wet porous medium convective drying. Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer 2024, 31(3), 83-102.

[2] Tingfang Yu, Xing Guo, Yicun Tang*, Xuan Zhang, Lizhi Wang, Tao Wu. Numerical investigation of fluid flow and heat transfer in high-temperature wavy microchannels with different shaped fins cooled by liquid metal. Micromachines 2023, 14(7), 1366.

[3] Tao Wu*, Lizhi Wang, Yicun Tang, Chao Yin, Xiankai Li. Flow and heat transfer performances of liquid metal based microchannel heat sinks under high temperature conditions. Micromachines 2022, 13(1), 95.

[4] Jingchun Min*, Yuan Zhang, Yicun Tang, Experimental study of wet porous sand layer air-drying characteristics, Energy Reports, 2020, 6: 246-253.

[5] Yicun Tang, Yuan Zhang, Jingchun. Min*, Experimental investigations and analysis of wet porous sand layer air-drying process, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019, 143: 118535.

[6] Yicun Tang, Jingchun Min*, Water film coverage model and its application to the convective air-drying simulation of a wet porous medium, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019, 131: 999-1008.

[7] Jingchun Min*, Yuan Zhang, Yicun Tang, Experimental study of wet porous sand layer air-drying characteristics, 6th Int. Conf. on Energy and Environment Research (ICEER2019), University of Aveiro, Portugal, July 22-25, 2019.

[8] Yicun Tang, Jingchun Min*, Xiaomin Wu, Selection of convective moisture transfer driving potential and its impacts upon porous plate air-drying characteristics, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 116: 371-376.

[9] Yicun Tang, Jingchun Min*, Xuan Zhang, Guiling Liu, Meniscus behaviors and capillary pressures in capillary channels having various cross-sectional geometries, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018, 26(10): 2014-2022.

[10] 汤一村, 闵敬春*, 顾令东. 考虑吸附效应的多孔介质热风干燥研究. 工程热物理学报, 2018, 39(6): 1333-1338.

[11] Lingdong Gu, Jingchun Min*, Yicun Tang, Effects of mass transfer on heat and mass transfer characteristics between water surface and airstream. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 122: 1093-1102.

[12] Yicun Tang, Jingchun Min*, Guiling Liu, Menisci and capillary forces in capillary channels having different cross-sectional shapes, Asian Conf. on Thermal Sciences 2017 (1st ACTS), Jeju Island, Korea, March 26-30, 2017.

[13] Yicun Tang, Jingchum Min*, Evaporation characteristics analysis of water film on a spherical solid particle, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 102: 539-547.

[14] 汤一村, 闵敬春*, 刘桂玲. 热风干燥过程固壁水膜蒸发特性分析. 工程热物理学报, 2016, 37(4): 846-850.

[15] Yicun Tang, Jingchun Min*, Contributions of various driving forces to moisture migration during convective drying process of an unsaturated porous medium, In proceedings of 9th International Conference on Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications (ICTEA2016), Abu Dhabi, UAE, March 24-26, 2016.

[16] 刘桂玲, 闵敬春*, 汤一村. 球形空腔内气液两相毛细压力与饱和度的关系. 化工学报, 2016, 67(S1): 40-46.

[17] Jingchun Min*, Yicun Tang, Theoretical analysis of water film evaporation characteristics on an adiabatic solid wall, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2015, 53: 55-61.

[18] 汤一村,陈召斌,李宪开,李毅波,一种微通道快速降温水杯,中国实用新型专利,公开号CN214382328U

[19] 汤一村,孙之骏,黄伟,李宪开,陈召斌,李毅波,一种高温紧凑型微通道换热器,中国实用新型专利,公开号CN214407123U

[20] 汤一村,谢宇轩,谷丽慧,王嘉辉,戴源德,叶芳华,一种多模式辐射冷热装置,中国实用新型专利,公开号CN220287638U

[21] 汤一村,谢宇轩,戴源德,谷丽慧,王嘉辉,一种可实现过冷/除霜的换热装置,中国实用新型专利,公开号CN220689222U