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章少剑 博士,教授、博士生导师


2012年获香港理工大学博士学位致力于机器人并行协同超精密加工技术基础理论与应用研究五年,承担国家科技重大专项、国家自然科学基金等项目十,总经费400余万;荣获2019年中国产学研合作创新成果二等奖1项第一作者发表SCI论文20余篇,其中在机械类顶刊International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture期刊连续发表10篇学术论文,皆为ESI高被引论文,1篇论文被引200余次;担任中国光学工程学会先进光学制造青年专家委员会委员、Shock and VibrationSCI期刊学术编委


(1) 2009.05-2012.10, 香港理工大学,超精密加工技术,博士研究

(2) 2005.09-2007.12,哈尔滨工业大学,机械电子工程,硕士,研究生

(3) 2001.09-2005.07哈尔滨工业大学,机械设计制造及其自动化,士,本科


(1) 2018.12-至今,南昌大学,机电工程学院,教授

(2) 2015.12-2018.12南昌大学,机电工程学院,副教授

(3) 2013.07-2015.12南昌大学,机电工程学院,讲师

(4) 2007.12-2009.05,香港理工大学,工业与系统工程系,助理研究员


(1) 国家科技重大专项,XXXX技术, 100,2018/01/01-2022/12/31在研

(2) 国家自然科学基金,超精密加工空气电主轴多自由度振动动力学建模与在线测量研究, 25万,2015/1/1-2017/12/31,结题


(1) Shaojian Zhang, Yuanping Zhou, Haijun Zhang, Zhiwen Xiong, Suet To, Advances in ultra-precision machining of micro-structured functional surfaces and their typical applications, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 142 (2019) 16-41.

(2) Shaojian Zhang, Jinjie Yu, Suet To, Zhiwen Xiong, A theoretical and experimental study of spindle imbalance induced forced vibration and its effect on surface generation in diamond turning, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 133 (2018) 61-71.

(3) S.J. Zhang, S. To, Z.W. Zhu, G.Q. Zhang, A review of fly cutting applied to surface generation in ultra-precision machining, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 103 (2016) 13-27.

(4) S.J. Zhang, S. To, S.J. Wang, Z.W. Zhu, A review of surface roughness generation in ultra-precision machining, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 91 (2015) 76-95.

(5) S.J. Zhang, S. To, G.Q. Zhang, Z.W. Zhu, A review of machine-tool vibration and its influence upon surface generation in ultra-precision machining, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 91 (2015) 34-42.

(6) S.J.Zhang, S. To, A theoretical and experimental study of surface generation under spindle vibration in ultra-precision raster milling, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 75 (2013) 36-45.

(7) S.J. Zhang, S. To. A theoretical and experimental investigation into multimode tool vibration with surface generation in ultra-precision diamond turning, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 72 (2013) 32-36.

(8) S.J. Zhang, S. To, The effects of spindle vibration on surface generation in ultra-precision raster milling. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 71 (2013) 52-56.

(9) S.J. Zhang, S. To, H.T. Wang, A theoretical and experimental investigation into five-degree-of-freedom dynamic characteristics of an aerostatic bearing spindle in ultra-precision diamond turning, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 71 (2013) 1-10.

(10) S.J Zhang, S. To, C.F. Cheung, H.T. Wang, Dynamic characteristics of an aerostatic bearing spindle and its influence on surface topography in ultra-precision diamond turning, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 62 (2012) 1-12.

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